Author Guidelines

A. Author Guidelines


Article Title (maximum 20 words) [Times New Roman MS 14 pt, Bold, Center]
The article must be in an editable format such as doc, docx format and not in an uneditable format such as .pdf format. Articles must conform to the article template, which can be downloaded here.


The abstract should consist of a minimum of 110 to 200 words with using [Times New Roman MS 10 points, Italic]. The abstract should be clear and descriptive and provide a brief overview of the problem conducted/researched. The abstract should explain the significance of the topic, theory, and experiments to the issues, objectives, methods, research results, and conclusions discussed. Below the abstract, write 3-6 keywords with 10 pt font size.


The manuscript is written using [Times New Roman size 11 font, Justify margin] with single spacing. The manuscript is in a two-column format with a 1 cm space between columns on A4-sized paper (210 mm x 297 mm). Right and left margins of 25.4 mm and top and bottom margins of 25.4 mm. The introduction includes the research background, research context, literature review, and research objectives.

Before writing the objectives of the study, a Gap Analysis (Research Gap analysis) or novelty statement should be clearly and explicitly stated. This aims to show the difference and uniqueness of this research compared to previous studies and the importance of conducting this research. Do not use sentences like this: “Based on this background, then the aim of this research is...”.

After the Gap Analysis (Research Gap analysis) , then write the research objectives explicitly, straightforwardly, and clearly. Gap analysis and research objectives should be put together in one paragraph to strengthen the research argument.

All parts of the introduction should be presented in the form of paragraphs, with a proportion of about 15-20% of the overall length of the article. In addition to explaining the background of the research's problem, purpose, and objectives, the introduction should also clearly and sharply state or discuss the research gap, as well as a state-of-the-art (SoTA) or literature review based on previous studies. This literature review should include at least 15 journals published in the last 5 years. This aims to justify/strengthen the statement of novelty, significance, scientific contribution and originality of the results obtained, along with the contribution made by the manuscript, and not just to strengthen the theoretical review or definition alone. The manuscript can be written in Indonesian or English, with a length of between 4000 - 6000 words (6 - 10 pages), including figures and tables, but excluding the bibliography. If the manuscript is in Indonesian, then the abstract must be in Indonesian and English, while if the manuscript is in English, then the abstract is only in English.


The research method consists of an explanation of the research design, data sources, data collection, and data analysis, with a proportion of about 10-15% of the article's total length. The method used is based on the research objectives. 

The research methods and design that will be used need to be explained in detail to support the achievement of the research objectives. This includes an explanation of the data collection techniques, instruments used, research procedures, and research design chosen.

The data analysis techniques used should also be clearly described. This description should illustrate how the data will be analyzed to produce findings that are relevant to the research objectives.


The results and discussion section explains the results of data analysis to answer the research questions and the meaning of the research results based on current theories and references from related fields. The proportion of this section is 40-60% of the total length of the article. The results and discussion should contain several important elements.

First (what/how element), the author must clearly explain how the data presented has been processed so that it is not in the form of raw data. The data can be presented in the form of tables or figures and given a description that is easy to understand. Furthermore, write down the important findings of the research results, then discuss them in the next discussion section.

Secondly (the why element), in the discussion section, it is important to show the connection between the results or important findings obtained with basic concepts and/or relevant theories. Some fields of science even have to discuss up to the level of studying molecular aspects. It is important to support the discussion with real and clear facts [1].

Third (what/how element), it is also necessary to include whether there is a comparison of compatibility or contradiction with other people's research results. This can illustrate the extent to which this research's results align with or contradict previous findings or references in the same field. In other words, references are intended to be used as a comparison and not as a source of statement.

3.1. Research Results

Research or experimental results should be presented in graphical or tabular form. Tables are written in [Times New Roman 9-point font], and one single space is placed below the table title. Column headings are written in 10-point bold font and placed above the table in the format shown in Table 1. Table numbering uses Arabic numerals. The table outline uses 1-point thick lines and does not use or show vertical lines or column lines. The horizontal line or row-column only consists of the top separator line, the bottom separator, and the separator between subtitles with table captions (if any), as shown in Table 1. If the table contains more detailed data or has more detailed information that exceeds the column width, then the table can be placed in a one-column format. Tables are not allowed to use image formats (jpg, jpeg, png) or other screen capture results. Thus, the information contained can be seen in more detail. As for graphs, they can follow the standard format of diagrams and images with the standard resolution of this journal. Furthermore, the numbering of figures and tables is done sequentially with the position in the centre, as shown in the examples in Table 1 and in Figure 1.

Table 1 THD Input and PF Calculation with ignition angle (α) [Times New Roman MS 10,Center]

3.2. Discussion

If there is a discussion in the research results, it can be displayed in the form of a series of words or a detailed explanation of the research results that have been achieved. Subchapters or titles use numbers such as (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) and begin with capital letters that are bolded. If using equations/formulas, then the equation writing must use the Equation editor feature as shown below.

             V = I x R                                                               (1)

If there are figures or schemes, they should be placed symmetrically in a column with a distance of one single space from the paragraph [2]. If the image or scheme has more detailed information that causes the size of the image or scheme to exceed the column width, the image can use a one-column format (Example Figure 1).

For image resolution, the minimum allowed is 300 dpi (1000 pixels) or more (if possible) [3]. The image or schematic file should be included in the manuscript. However, if this is not possible, the image or schematic file can be submitted separately in a zip or rar archive file and then submitted as an additional file. Common formats are acceptable; however, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, and PDF are preferred.


Figure 1 A full wave three phase controlled circuit [Times New Roman MS 10,Center]

 Writing a Bibliography or Reference requires using one of the reference manager applications, such as Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote, with IEEE style. The minimum number of references is 15 references, 80% of which are taken from journals published in the last 5 years with links that can be accessed online. For reference writing, authors are required to use a plagiarism checker application such as Turnitin or Ithenticate in each manuscript. The maximum plagiarism tolerance limit set is 25% (Terms can be read here). Plagiarism checking results can be submitted as an additional file when submitting articles on the Jurnal Media Elektro website.


Conclusions should reflect answers or conclusions that are in accordance with the research problem or objectives or can also produce a new theory/concept based on existing facts/analysis and must be supported by adequate and significant research data; and do not rewrite the results and discussion sections. Conclusions should be written in paragraph form, not in the form of list/numbering items. The bibliography must be written correctly, completely, and consistently in accordance with the writing format described in the Author Guidelines. The currency of the main reference literature, especially those used to justify originality or novelty (in the Introduction) should be sourced from references from the last 5 years. The bibliography has at least 15 references, and most of them (at least 80%) come from primary literature such as scientific journals, proceedings, patent research reports, and so on. The use of secondary references such as textbooks as a reference source containing concepts and theories is still allowed but should not exceed 20% of the total references.



In-text citations that refer to specific references must display the sequence of reference numbers placed in square brackets [...] in line with the text at the end of the sentence and between spaces before using square brackets [1].

Primary references are taken from journals and proceedings with a percentage of > 80% with a minimum number of references of fifteen articles, which must have been published in the last 5 years by including links that can be accessed online. Citations from journal articles must include the DOI of the article.

Citations and bibliography follow the IEEE Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE) style, and the bibliography must be included at the end of the article as in the example below.

[1]   P. Cash, X. V. Gamundi, I. Echstrøm, and J. Daalhuizen, "Method use in behavioural design:What, how, and why?," International Journal of Design, vol. 16, no. 1, 2022, doi:

[2]  R. P. Shellis, C. Ganss, Y. Ren, D. Zero, and A. Lussi, "Methodology and models in erosionresearch: discussion and conclusions," Caries research, vol. 45, no. Suppl. 1, pp. 69-77, 2011, doi:

[3] Y. V. Kuznetsov, Principles of Image Printing Technology. Springer, 2021. Avail-able:


B. Online Submission Guidelines 

  1. The author should first register/join as a JME Scientific Journal WhatsApp Group Chat member through the following address:, or click the Joint WhatsApp Group link on the right side menu on this website.
  2. The Author should register as an Author and also as a Reviewer through the following address:
  3. Authors must fill out the form as detailed as possible where the form is marked with an asterisk (*).
  4. After filling all the form text boxes, the Author clicks on the "Register" button to proceed with the registration. Therefore, Authors are taken to the online author submission interface where Authors have to click on "New Submission."
  5. In the Start New Submission section, click "'Click Here': to proceed to the first step of the five-step submission process". The following are the five steps in the online application process:
    1. Step 1 - Starting the Submission: The author must check-mark on the submission checklists. An author should type or copy-paste the cover letter to “Comments for the Editor”.
    2. Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: To upload a manuscript to this journal, click Browse on the Upload submission file item and choose the manuscript document file (.doc/.docx) to be submitted, then click "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded. 
    3. Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: In this step, detail authors metadata should be entered including marked corresponding author. After that, manuscript title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and paste in the textbox including keywords.
    4. Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: Supplementary file should be uploaded including Covering/Submission Letter (If any / Optional), and Ethical Statement Form. Therefore, click on Browse button, choose the files, and then click on Upload button.
    5. Step 5 – Confirming the Submission:  Author should final check the uploaded manuscript documents in this step. To submit the manuscript to Agritech journal, click Finish Submission button after the documents are true. The corresponding author or the principal contact will receive an acknowledgment by email and will be able to view the submission’s progress through the editorial process by logging in to the journal web address site. 

After this submission, Authors who submit the manuscript will get a confirmation email about the submission. Therefore, Authors are able to track their submission status at any time by logging in to the online submission interface. The submission tracking includes a status of manuscript review and editorial process.