Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penentuan sifat mekanis dan fisis batu bata dengan penambahan tempurung kelapa asal alor. Penenlitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kualitas batu bata yang memenuhi standar kelayakan sebagai bahan konstruksi dengan penambahan arang tempurung kelapa aal alor dengan presentasi 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% terhadap tanah liat (lempung). Batu bata dicetak dengan prosedur pemadatan, pengringn dan pembakaran. Setelah prosedur pencetakkan selesai kemudian di lanjutkan dengan pengujian sefat mekanis dan sifat fisis, yaitu uji kuat tekan (compression strength), densitas (density), porositas (porosity) hasil kuat tekan batu bata didapatkan berdasarkan pengujian: a) uji kuat tekan, batu bata tanpa penambahan (0%) : 4,94 meemenuhi standar kuat tekan kelas 50 (SNI 15-2094-2000), b) uji porositas, batu bata 0% dan 5% : 3,82% dan 17,93% memenuhi standar porositas dengan batas maksimum 20% (SNI 15-2094-2000) dan uji densitas, batu bata tidak ada yang memenuhi standar (SII 0021-1978)
Kata kunci: sifat mekanis, sifat fisis, tempurung kelapa, densitas, porositas, kuat tekan
A research had been conducted to determine physical and mechanical properties of the bricks with the addition coconut shell charcoal from alor. This research aims at the quality of the bricks to meet the standars of eligibility as a contruction material. The addition of coconut shell charcoal is variate with the presentage 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% to the clay mass. The brick being printed with procedure compaction, drying, and baking. After the printing procedure is done then next is testing the mechanical and physical properties, that is compression strength test, density test, and porosity test. The brick quality result is obtained based on the test: a) compression strength test, the brick without addition (0%) : 4,94 (SNI 15-2094-2000) is comply with the standard compression strength the class 50 , b) porosity test, the brick 0% and 5% (3,82% and 17,93%) meet the standard with the maximum limit 20% ( SNI 15-2094-2000) , and c) density test, every bricks does not meet the standard (SII 0021- 1978).
Keywords: mechanical properties, physical properties, coconut shell, density, porosity, compression strength
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