• Theo Da Cunha(1*)
  • Dodi Darmakusuma(2)
  • Antonius R. B. Ola(3)
  • Theodorus Y. K. Lulan(4)
  • Alvius R. Kale(5)
  • (*) Corresponding Author
Keywords: Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lamk), Artemia Salina Leach, Dry land, NTT


Moringa Oleifera (Moringa oleifera Lamk) found excessive growth in dry East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province. The plant has not only been primarily consumed as food especially for its leaves but also is rich in nutrients in its fruits to roots, benefits as coagulants, vitamins, and medicines.  This research studied the toxic effect of the water extract of Moringa leaves to Artemia Salina Leach shrimp larvae according to BST method using water (room temperature) as a solvent, a preliminary study of the antibacterial and the anticancer target of study of the Morinaga. Moringa leaves were macerated for 3 x 24 hours using water, the results of phytochemical tests identified secondary metabolic content, among others, alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenes, and tannins. The results of the BSLT test showed that the water extract (room temperature) of Moringa leaves had a toxicity level against Artemia Salina Leach as indicated by an LC50 value of 888, 34 less than 1000 ppm. It can be concluded that Moringa leaves have potential as a plant which can later be used as anti-bacterial and anti-cancer.


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How to Cite
Cunha, T., Darmakusuma, D., Ola, A., Lulan, T., & Kale, A. (2020). UJI TOKSISITAS EKSTRAK AIR DAUN KELOR (Moringan oleifera, L) ASAL LAHAN KERING NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR. Chemistry Notes, 2(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.35508/cn.v2i2.3261

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