Peer Review Procedure

All submissions to this journal must adhere to the specified focus, scope, and author guidelines. Manuscripts must demonstrate scientific novelty relevant to the journal's focus and scope. Additionally, they must be free from any form of plagiarism. Authors are encouraged to employ plagiarism detection software for similarity checks. The editorial team employs Turnitin software to assess plagiarism in submitted articles.

Submitted research articles undergo a rigorous peer review process, typically involving evaluation by at least two expert reviewers. This process adheres to a double-blind format, ensuring impartiality. Reviewers provide valuable scientific feedback to enhance the quality of the manuscript.

The ultimate decision regarding the acceptance of articles lies with the Editors, based on the comments provided by the reviewers. The Chief Editor oversees the publication of accepted articles, considering factors such as the date of acceptance, geographic distribution of authors, and thematic relevance.

Accepted research articles will be accessible online following the completion of the double-blind journal's peer-review process. The primary language of publication in this journal is either English or Indonesian.