This study seeks to identify and examine the variables of attitude, subjective norms, and behavioral controls that influence green tourist behavior. Green tourists are those who consider eco-friendliness when visiting tourist attractions. The methodology utilized in this study is quantitative. The application Smart-PLS assisted with statistical data analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). Respondents used up to 177 tourists who visited Kota Tua Jakarta within a specific period. The study's findings revealed that attitude, subjective norms, and behavioral controls all have a positive and significant influence on green tourist behavior. This study has some limitations, including a small number of respondents, a short questionnaire collection period, and the use of just a quantitative approach. Recommendations for additional research are made so that the green tourist theme can become knowledge to support sustainable tourism.
Keywords : Attitude; Subjective Norm; Behavioral Control; Green Tourist Behavior; Kota Tua Jakarta
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