• JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 17 No 3 (2024)

    This edition explores a wide array of contemporary issues ranging from the challenges and opportunities faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) globally, innovative financial strategies, and the influence of technology in shaping modern business practices. Articles delve into topics such as the adoption of financial technology, the integration of international reporting standards for SMEs, and the impact of gamification in digital marketplaces. In addition, the journal features critical analyses of workplace dynamics, including studies on employee engagement, work-life balance, and the role of leadership in fostering innovation and creativity. Several contributions also focus on the economic implications of inflation and unemployment, strategies for effective organizational performance, and the evolving behaviors of consumers influenced by marketing strategies and digital trends. Highlighting global perspectives, this volume covers research from diverse geographical contexts, including Nigeria, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, and Bangladesh, providing a rich blend of insights applicable to academics, practitioners, and policymakers.

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 17 No 2 (2024)

    This edition of the Journal of Management presents a diverse collection of research articles that investigate a range of topics including brand satisfaction, financial distress, risk mitigation in agriculture, poverty indices, financial behavior in Generation Z, stock market dynamics, customer loyalty in banking mergers, employee performance, tourism, global workforce management, organizational culture, digital marketing, public service performance, labor force dynamics, ERP implementation, consumer satisfaction, digital wallet adoption, traditional market management, corporate governance, online taxi services, skincare purchase intentions, liquidity risks in Islamic banks, aquaculture feasibility, job satisfaction, credit risk in banking, managerial performance, burnout and turnover, product safety awareness, government financial performance, healthcare profitability, CFO roles, employee performance factors, MSME leadership, augmented reality in retail, infrastructure financial performance, and prudence in financial management. Each article provides practical implications for enhancing management practices across various sectors and industries.

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (Special Issue) - Manajemen Pemasyarakatan
    Vol 17 No 1 - May (2024)

    This edition is a special issue that discusses specific issues in the field of Correctional Management including the development of Human Resources, Marketing, and techniques and counseling in fostering prisoners in correctional institutions.

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 17 No 1 (2024)

    The collection of journal articles covers a diverse range of topics in management, with a particular focus on the effects of various factors on business operations, performance, and decision-making, particularly within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Several articles delve into the repercussions of the pandemic on different sectors, such as banking and hospitality, exploring issues like the impact of non-performing loans on bank liquidity and the influence of the work environment on the productivity of employees in the pastry department. Other articles investigate consumer behavior and preferences, examining the effects of marketing strategies, lifestyle choices, and reference groups on purchasing decisions, with case studies ranging from soy sauce brands to online food delivery services. Moreover, there is a notable emphasis on the Indonesian market, with studies focusing on various aspects of Indonesian businesses, including the management practices and financial performance of SMEs in different sectors, such as food and beverage, tourism, and crafts.

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 16 No 3 (2023)

    This issue contains articles by a variety of authors from a variety of countries, including education policy in Bangladesh that stimulates business management opportunities, the audit expectation gap in Nigeria, the solidarity economy of marginalized communities in South Africa, the impact of financial inclusion and digital finance on SME performance in Pakistan, the use of pro-gear innovation in Malaysia's department of commerce, and the time for Malawi to change its economic growth engine. 

    Some of the participating papers from Indonesian authors include a Systematic Literature review about ethical organizational, the financial management behaviour, the forecasting of raw material inventory, financial distress, the analysis of psychological factors, price, and service quality in making purchasing decisions, the influence of e-service quality on customer satisfaction, and the design analysis using the balanced scorecard.

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 16 No 2 (2023)

    The articles in this publication are dominated by finance and accounting articles such as sustainability transformation, assessing certified public accountants as a career choice, implementation of micro business credit financing in developing micro businesses, analysis of profitability ratio to profit changes, the effect of liquidity and profitability on financial difficulties, examining the effect of mergers on stock performance, and the impact of institutional ownership. The field of marketing discusses the influence of sales promotion, positive emotions, and hedonic shopping on impulse buying, the influence of sales promotion, trust, and the use of K-pop idol brand ambassadors on consumer buying interest, the impact of lifestyle, art collection, and hedonic living on visit intention, visit decision and revisit intention, and the role of using mobile banking in ease of transaction. Meanwhile, human resources research addresses the impact of changes in individual behavior, personality traits, work motivation, leadership, work discipline, and career growth on employee performance and the effect of working safety and working comfort in achieving the working targets. SME research examines the development strategy of shallot farming and the potential of traditional markets to increase traders' income

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 16 No 1 (2023)

    This issue has more articles covering a variety of topics, including entrepreneurship such as micro-entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurial motivation, and entrepreneurial interest. There are several topics that discuss human resources, including employee performance, leadership, employee discipline, and analysis of human resource planning, as well as a systematic literature review on the quality of human resources. In terms of marketing, the effect of trust, e-satisfaction, repurchase intention,  co-branding, brand equity, and the influence of e-WOM are all being studied. A tourism marketing theme is the competitive advantage of tourism destinations. Articles about financial themes such as cost volume profit analysis and sales effectiveness. This edition also includes economics topics, such as the performance of village funds and the impact of unemployment and inflation on poverty in Indonesia.

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 15 No 3 (2022)

    The contents of this journal edition consist of articles that are discussing various topics in the Management field, predominantly in Marketing, for instance, the impact of price, location, and quality on purchasing intentions, marketing strategies, the influence of WOM and servicescape to purchasing decision, and marketing communication strategies during Covid-19. Some articles regarded financial issues such as financial performance, the impact of tax avoidance and quality audit on tax amnesty, and the support of regional tax and retribution sharing on local government performance. Other topics include Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Total Quality Management (TQM).

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 15 No 2 (2022)

    This edition contains articles on Financial Performance, Business Strategy Planning and Marketing Communication Strategies. In addition, there are also articles with various topics such as Customer Satisfaction, Market Orientation, Marketing Performance and Purchasing Decisions using digital payments. Other articles on Credit Risk, Financial Feasibility Analysis and Systematic Literature Review on Project Management.

  • JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 15 No 1 (2022)

    This edition is contributed by articles that have new topics, such as the topic of Female Entrepreneurship and the Blue Economy. Articles on Finance discuss Financial Distress, Financial Risk and Financial Performance. The topic of marketing describes the influence of the Servicescape Dimension on Customer Satisfaction and Purchasing Decisions. While in the field of Human Resource Management, there are topics about Leadership, Competence, Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance.

  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 14 No 3 (2021)

    This edition consists the articles with more various topic. Innovation and entrepreneurship is the main topic besides marketing topics such as Buying Interest and Customer Satisfaction. In addition, there are several topics in other Management fields such as Investment, Product Quality and Mutual Fund Risk.

  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 14 No 2 (2021)

    The contents of this edition are dominated by marketing topic, namely Consumer Purchasing Decisions, Customer Satisfaction and Digital Marketing. While in the field of HR, the article examines the Employee Performance,  the field of Production discusses improving product quality and the topic of entrepreneurship discusses the performance of Mompreneurs and the sustainability of MSMEs during the pandemic. Meanwhile, another topic is the value of state-owned companies.

  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 14 No 1 (2021)

    This edition of the journal contains strategies for developing cultural tourism objects, the effect of transparency and accountability strategies on budget absorption, the influence of employee morale and organizational commitment on organizational behavior, the impact of materialism, self-control and motivation on state financial management, the influence of E-WOM on purchasing decisions, the effect of capital structure, profitability and firm size on firm performance, auditing information and determining production patterns.

  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 13 No 3 (2020)

    This journal edition consists of articles on the topic of Marketing, namely the influence of Lifestyle and Service Quality on Purchasing Decisions, the topic of Production is about optimizing raw materials and calculating Production Area, while the topic of Human Resources is about the influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Motivation on Employee Performance. Other topics are about Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Inflation, Inventory Accounting System and also about PEMP policy implementation.

  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 12 No 2 (2020)

    This edition consists of  the topic of Finance, namely on State Financial Management, Asset Analysis and Break-even Analysis and articles on Production Sector, namely on Quality Control and Queue Performance Analysis. Other articles are about Employee Performance, Service Quality, Implications of CSR Programs and the Home Economy in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era.

  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 11 No 1 (2020)
    This journal edition contains articles of the relationship between Marketing Mix and Purchase Decisions, Trust and Risk on Purchase Decisions, Consumer Behavior, and Customer Satisfaction. The HR articles discuss on Employee Satisfaction, Spirituality and Performance. Another article is about Financial Performance and Entrepreneurship Management.


  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 10 No 3 (2019)

    Four articles on Human Resources are published predominantly in this edition that elaborate Ethical Behavior, Leadership Style, Organization Culture and Employees Performance. The other topics cover Customer Satisfaction, Purchase Decision, Word of Mouth, Tourism Development and Queuing Theory respectively. 


  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 9 No 2 (2019)

    The journal consists of two articles on Service Quality in hotel and hospital, and two articles on Banking that are discussed Bank Credit and Profitability. The other topics each discuss Cooperative Working Capital, Leadership and Motivation Performance, Marketing Mix and Manpower Delivery Policy

  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 8 No 1 (2019)

    This edition of the journal contains articles consisting of three articles on Tourism that are discussed about e-commerce in tourism, segmentation and positioning, and development strategies.  There are two articles relate to Inventory Management. The other topics each discuss Work Culture and TQM, Inflation and Interest Rates, and Profitability Analysis


  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 5 No 2 (2017)

    This journal edition of contains articles on Customer Satisfaction, application of Management Functions and Consumer Behavior. Other topics discussed the level of Cooperative Health, analysis of Economic Education study programs, analysis of hospital performance, bank financial performance, and ended with the influence of democratic leadership styles on Employees Performance.




  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 3 No 2 (2016)

    This edition contains predominantly articles  by the theme of Organization and Human Resources, beginning with the article about the role of Organizational Culture in mediating the effect of Communication Competence and Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance, and then factors that affect the Employee Performance Productivity, Influence of Development and Job Satisfaction on Work Productivity and Human Capital in Organizations. Other topics discussed about tourism, such as the development of regional strategic potential-based ecotourism corridors in Rote Ndao Regency, then information technology forming the multiplier effect in corporate business, and ended with an article on Online Marketing Business Communication.



  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 6 No 1 (2018)

    This edition begins with article on tourism development strategies, followed by several articles on finance, namely Financial Literacy and Financial Performance, Capital Structure and Market Value. Another topic discusses Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction, and ends with an article on the influence of the Marketing Mix on subscription intentions.


  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 4 No 1 (2017)

    This edition contains articles starting with an article of the effectiveness and efficiency of Working Capital, followed by three articles with the HR theme , namely leader behavior on performance, implementation of E-HRM and Commitment and Work Performance. Another topic discusses Marketing, such as tourism promotion strategies and the influence of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions, and ends with an article on foreign exchange trading strategies.





  • Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
    Vol 7 No 2 (2018)

    The journal contains articles regarding on customer loyalty, followed by several articles on finance, e.g. Financial Performance and calculating the cost of production. Another topic discusses Work Motivation, Work Loading and Accounting Information Systems, and ends with two articles on tourism factors and tourism strategies. 


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